Battlefield of Honor - Strategy Tool for Rise of Empires


By Don

26th October 2023



Battlefield of Honor - Strategy Tool for Rise of Empires


Castles [x : y : id : tips/instruction]:

Sentry towers [x : y : id]:

Advanced Msg [x : y : width : height : color : title : tag : information):

Link (Not working, learning how to make work):

The main goal of this tool is make a practial way to make your own strategy using a visual and simple tool for sharing, using screenshot and maybe other ways.

Basically is a minimalist version of the BoH map with all building listed and actual coordinates. Mountain topology is not accurate, just illustrative, so beware of risky planning involving this information.

Version 0.01 (Very noob beta)

  • Click on the bases (blue and red square) and drag to create sentry tower areas.
  • In the upper right corner, some information will appear if you place your mouse over a structure (circles).
  • Fill in the input at the top of the page and double click on any area of the map to place the written text in the given place. This feature is very useful for taking notes and identifying goals and placement and its the most buggy one
  • In the lower right corner you have the coordinate relative to the current position of your mouse plus 3 command options: Clear (Clears all Sentry Towers you have placed on the map), Labels (Turns on/off the map labels), Desc (Turns on/off structure names)

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