Specialty Level - Honor needed by level

Honor/ Exp needed by level of honour on Rise of Empires


By Don

19th October 2021



Specialty Level - Honor needed by level

Some people have asked me for the honor points required to raise the specialty levels. I didn't have that data very complete, but with the help of some friends, especially from s78, I managed to compile a very complete content.

Basically below is a sheet, which was assembled as follows:

Level: Incredible as it may seem, it is portraying the level of specialty;

Honor: There is the volume of points needed to reach that level (be careful, it is not to go up to the next one, but to go up to the highlighted level);

Difference: It is more information for the curious on duty, which is the difference in the requirement between the current level and the previous one, to understand how the need for honor progresses to the next level.

Total Sum: It is the amount of honor accumulated since the beginning of the game to reach that level.

Reviews, tips and suggestions are very welcome. Grateful for the attention and understanding.

L96 Honor - HonorByLvl.jpeg 1.35 MB

John Doe - 9 months ago
John Doe - 9 months ago
John Doe - 9 months ago
Great stuff! I have been following the site for a while and using it as a reference. I appreciate the time you put into it!