“Caesar is a damage carry, ” - Don
Its a Ranged hero, available at season S3, and it is on a Medium tier of power. He can lead Cavalries troop type, and his skill priority it's usually: 6th - 8th - 7th. Caesar is a Back hero , and he can be placed on Middle.
23,100 bonus marching capacity for hero’s squad
Skill type: Combat - Range: 3/Targets: 3 - Starting round 3, Caesar has 40% chance to cast a skill every round, which increases the might and resistance of all your cavalry squads by 200% and damage by 60%. Meanwhile, Caesar has 20% more chance till the battle endds (this skill can only be cast once). Every round, the chance of casting this skill increases by 20%.
Resistence +50%
Might +50%
Skill type: Additional Attack - Range: 5/Targets: 2 - Starting round 3. Caesar has 40% chance to cast a skill every round, which increases the might and resistance of all your cavalry squadsd by 200% and damage by 60%. Meanwhile, Caesar has 20% more chance to lauch additional attacks, lasting till the battle ends (this skill can only be cast once). Every round, the chance of casting this skill increases by 20%
Might +15%; Resist +15%, Dictator +250%, Damage +15%
Might +40%
Skill type: Additional Attack - Range: 5/Targets: 3 - After a normal attack, 50% chance to deal physical damage to 2-3 squads (damage rate: 310%); the skill damage rate will be increased by 1 time each time the skill is cas; this effect can be stacked and lasts until the end of the battle (this skill can only be triggered once per round)
Last update: 2023-09-17 20:00:40