New S1 Heroes - Review and Updates
By Don
18th August 2022
The developers, in an attempt likely to bring the heroes of Season 1 to life, have made a fresh update. Because of this, all hero guides and combos will be updated. In view of this, I will try here to compare the old and current heroes. I will save the changes here, but update the images and etc that we have used over time in the hero base, like on our hero guide.
Before starting the topic, I make it clear that the changes were very relevant and opened up new possibilities in several areas. Therefore, I may leave something out, so please comment if you identify any points that I ended up ignoring.
Another point that is worth mentioning: I will not focus on changes that have occurred in skills 1,3,4,6 and 7 to simplify the post. Otherwise it would naturally be unnecessarily long. But it is worth mentioning that speed heroes (Former Pacer, Lionheart and Iron hand) had their skills 7 completely changed for a some of hours. The developers undid it as the community reaction was extremely intense. In addition, non-seasonal heroes did not have changes in their skills, only in names and/or avatars.
In view of this, this seems to be another step by the developers to decouple Rise of Empires narrative with that of Last Shelter, which have basically been the same for years and in the last two seasons have deviated.
And before starting the dialogue of this post, I would like to thank Raven, a brilliant player, who organized the hero skills extremely fast, who made it very easy for me to write this post. You can get a chance to meet her by visiting my viber channel or her Discord channel.
The hero still has two combat skills and a prep skill, with no change in his resilience to controls. This was one of the best heroes of S1, excluding the 3 speed heroes, but unfortunately it wasn't good enough for what was to come in S2 and that makes him ignored to this day.
Skill 2 is no longer a pure source of damage and instead deals via bleed. In this way, he synergizes with heroes like Belisarius. His skill 5 loses support characteristics (buffs and debuffs), but becomes an extremely potent source of damage. With the change in skill 8, it becomes a valid hero for mixed compositions with high skill casting intensity.
The changes to the hero have been extreme and he is unrecognizable to older players. With this, it is worth highlighting the clear synergy with skill cast rate heroes, such as Cao Cao, El Cid, Arslam, Poison Master or Healer, Heroes that significantly increase combat damage, such as Warlord or Pepin and heroes that are boosted with "bleeding status", like Belisarius. Also, it is worth mentioning that there was a small change in your skills 6 had a decrease in might and resistance bonuses by 5%.
This was the most powerful and longest-running S1. Previously it had 3 skills with medium cast rate and now has 2 skills with high cast rate. Therefore, the average number of conjurations remained at approximately 10 per battle. Also, the change from 3 combat skills and now 1 to a status type makes him more resilient in combat. Also, it is worth mentioning that there was a small change in your skills 7, that now gives a 70% might bonus when activated and will have a 50% reduction of that bonus while on cooldown.
His skill 2 almost doubles the casting chance, increases the number of targets and. Average damage increase in a battle will be 10% from the previous version. In turn, skill 5 is completely reworked, no longer having the possibility to suppress the opponent, but increasing the squad's damage by up to 180%, both from skills and basic attacks, being one of the biggest bonuses in this category. Following up, skill 8 also had an extreme change, with the addition of the Faltering status. This one, when it affects a squad, causes it to take 302% damage when affected by damage. This change can increase the damage of the previous version of the skill by more than 40%.
His skill 2 now deal a much greater amount of damage, losing the effects that they did, but that were not relevant. Next, skill 5 now affects the basic attack of all unit types and also has a slight increase in average damage from its previous version. Finally, skill 8 now has an 800% stamina accumulation potential, opening up a high synergy with high cast rate heroes.
It is a powerful hero against auto-attack formations and has great synergy with heroes that rely on good cast rates on allies to perform better. Also, it is worth mentioning that there was a small change in your skills 6 had a decrease in might and resistance bonuses by 5%
Skill 2 had an increase in average damage, which despite the damage rate reduction, had increased cast rate and increased number of targets. Following, skill 5 is no longer focused solely on cavalry and starts to affect the skill damage of any backrow. This one also had a relevant average damage increase for the same reasons as skill 2. And finally, skill 8 is no longer focused on full cavalry too, but starts to demand all heroes having combat skills with prep round, which can be delicate. This skill 8 could have better potential if it didn't rely on all heroes, as it would open up a very powerful synergy with El Cid, but opens up an initial synergy between S1's cavalry heroes.
Skill 2 has a reduction of average damage, but adds a buff that can be much better used, with an increase of 40% of its damage. Differently from that, in skill 5 there is a very relevant increase in the skill, bringing one of the highest damage potentials of S1. Finally, skill 8 also has a very relevant increase in its average damage, in addition to making the hero the first to attack constantly due to having his skills with prep round.
Therefore, a hero with extremely high damage capacity and high synergy with heroes that amplify the power of prep heroes, such as Warlord or El Cid. Also, it is worth mentioning that there was a small change in your skills 6 and 7. Skill 6 stopped giving bonus in combat speed and, instead, started giving bonus damage. Unlike that, skill 7 now gives a 70% might bonus when activated and will have a 50% reduction of that bonus while on cooldown.
Skill 2 is no longer a protection from damage and becomes a source of control for 2 rounds, a relevant change in the hero's mechanics, which becomes synergistic with heroes like Lust, Ragnar and others. Following the order, skill 5 is completely redesigned and the hero passes steal resistance and no longer deals damage. This opens up synergy with and against auto-attack heroes. And finally, skill 8 starts to deal damage, which in turn has a much higher average damage than skill 5 of the previous version. Although it doesn't give more damage bonus, it starts to decrease the opponent's might, being a relevant counter to auto-attack heroes.
The mechanics of this hero, previously, were very simple and have been completely changed to suit a greater number of compositions. The hero still has two combat skills and a prep skill, with no change in his resilience to controls.
His skill 2 had a total average damage reduction, even with increased rate and number of targets, reducing average damage by 16% from the previous version, but with an extremely powerful resistance reduction change, which opens up great synergy with auto-attack heroes.
Its skill 5 is equivalent to skill 8 of the previous version, but with a relevant change, where the hero does not only affect archers, but all types of units. In addition, the damage is no longer just skill, but all types of damage and the maximum buff is 80%, as opposed to 60% previously fixed. This change added extreme versatility to the hero.
The skill 8 of the current version I will compare with the 5 of the previous one, just to complete the comparisons. It has an extremely higher average damage potential, more than double the previous one. In addition, it has an extremely attractive complement to the damage carriers of archers, who usually play in the last row, where it would protect them from the next 2 damages.
The changes were relevant and the hero ends up being very flexible for any composition. So, I can't list any outstanding synergy, but it's worth noting that skill 2's debuff boosts basic attacks, so it will synergize better with comps with carries with a lot of basic attack damage.
In addition, he had a change in his dictator skill, which used to give 20 combat speed and now gives 15% damage, a relevant improvement.
This hero had a complete change in his skills. Therefore, he was previously a skill caster hero and became a hero fully focused on auto-attack. With that, this change brings to the S1 the first auto-atack combos.
Fatal Blow is a skill that, when the squad is dealing physical damage through auto-attacks, has a chance to increase damage by 100%.
With this pool of skills, he basically becomes a berserker, the more he attacks, the faster he reaches his peak of power. His style is very explosive, so heroes who speed up their accumulation process are welcome. Therefore, he will have very high synergy with heroes that amplify physical attack damage, such as: Edward, Rozen Blade, Warden, Defender, Farrah, Beast Queen and others. In addition, a relevant but negative fact is that he left the group of heroes capable of suppressing opponents.
The hero follows with 2 prep skills and 1 combat skill, which keeps him as a hero with good resilience.
In skill 2, from what I understand, the only change was in the increase in range and the way to write the skill, so there were no changes in the effects.
The main change occurred in skill 5, which added the possibility of suppression. With that, he now joins the pool of heroes capable of incapacitating opponents to take action. In addition, there has been a slight increase in the average damage rate. We can say this because it is a decrease in damage, but an increase in casting chance.
Skill 8 has had a change that is also relevant, as it previously only worked on pure archer formations. In addition, there will be a bonus to the unit's physical attack damage, instead of skill damage.
The hero remains a support hero, but with significantly better potential. This is because he becomes a more efficient reaction to the Beast Queen combo, which is available in season S2/S3.
Its damage bonus in physical attack, and the end of the need to use it in pure archer combos, will bring potential to collaborate with several auto-attack heroes in mixed or pure combos: Beast Queen, The Immortal, Rozen Blade, Jade Eagle, Spectral Reaper, Rainforest Ranger and others. Its suppression chance also opens up the possibility of combos with other heroes that increase their power when the enemy is under control, such as Lust Angel, Ragnar and others. Even in compositions that don't have direct synergy, it ends up being very versatile. Therefore, it ends up being a valid acquisition and breaks the axiom of "do not recruit anything in s1"
Hero Summary - Last Update