Raider – Class Development on Rise of Empires

Raider – Class Development on Rise of Empires


By Don

10th March 2022



Raider – Class Development on Rise of Empires

The journey

Finally the fourth and final episode of the 4 base classes of Rise of Empires. This is the end of our journey to chapter 6 of the national quests. If you haven't seen it yet, you can click here to access the trader, builder and farmer guides. These guides are the result of an acceleration process that we did in our state in the national quests that worked very well. The main objective was to make life easier for players in the maturation of their farms accounts, but I also ended up doing the raider to help in the strengthening of the teams themselves.

Disclaimer: The idea of ​​this summary is just to simplify the path, but at no time is it the absolute truth and almost always you will have to disagree with me, which makes me very happy. The focus is solely on the experience gained daily, which would leave the castle's efficiency questionable (mainly raider) for almost 1 year in newer states.

Again I will not go into the nuances of how you should probably use your cards in this post, except if questions arise that make me worthwhile


Finally we are talking about the most popular class in the game: Raider. In Rise of Empires the raiders end up fulfilling the main warmongering functions of the game. If you like combat you need to know this option.

In strategy games, in general there is a more technical division of classes, with some clearer advantages for each segment, like one is better when attacking, but others produce troops faster, for example. In the case of Rise of empires, in combat itself, there is no other class that suits as well as raiders. The difference is very noticeable and it is only in events like eden and roc that you will see some builders having some relevance in combat.

Raider is the only class in the game that has bonus on hit points from his cards, also tactical attack and tactical resistance. In addition, it also has other extremely useful attributes in the development of the game. Some of its possible benefits: increased troop movement speed, increased volume of looted resources, reduced healing time for soldiers and is the only class capable of looting gold.

Its only vulnerability is that it has -150% gathering capacity. This is a relevant issue at the beginning of the game, but once you have 3 heroes with full 1st and 6th skills for each of your 4 legions, it becomes absolutely irrelevant. The only legion that will have annoyance with this debuff will be your harvest legion (only for players with VIP store level 3), which will not be able to clear a tile higher than 8 by itself.

Status Advantages

  • Wounded healing Speed +100%
  • When Sieging - 40% of the Casualties become wounded instead of dead
  • When Sieging - Troop Payload +150%

You can build the Raider's hall. The advantages of the building only apply to the class legion. The amount of the benefit depend on the level of the building.

Battle hall adding you next advantages:

  • Can plunder Gold from other Castles during attack
  • When Sieging - Troop Might +1% - +25%
  • When Sieging - Troop Resistance +1% - +25%

Status Disadvantages

  - When Harvesting - Troop Payload -50%
  - Money Production -30%
  - Fuel, Food, Lumber and Iron Production -30%

About the Guide

The idea of this brief study is to discuss better ways to raise the level of the raider’s class to get the best out of it. Each numbered column at the top represents, through the number, what is the profession level that must be reset to move on to the next one. The item marked in red is the priority that the player must have when resetting, items marked in yellow must be maximized right after the red.

It is essential to inform that any distribution of points up to level 121 is solely focused on the evolution of the profession level as quickly as possible. The ultimate goal is to obtain the max fighting buffs for at least one troop type and also get HP buff maxed for alliance. The troop selected usually will be cavalry, but it doesn't have to be.

Players who choose to use this class will have an extremely high bonus when fighting. It is an extremely offensive class and ends up having a huge advantage when scoring in KE. It is the only class that has tactical attack and tactical defense bonuses. The end use of your cards, in the above demo, is extremely focused on cavalry, but can (and should) be readjusted for other units if you use mixed troops.

If you have questions, you can ask.

Download the full PDF version clicking here

A hug to everyone, except for some

DonPablone - S96
Dead man tell no tales

Raider - Class Development on Rise of Empires
Raider - Class Development on Rise of Empires- Download the full PDF version clicking here
